Deception & Honeypot – Automatic detection of attacks and deployment of digital traps

Automated Detection of Attacks and Deployment of Digital Traps for Deception and Honeypot Strategies

Enhancing Security Postures Through Automated Attack Detection and Strategic Honeypot Deployment

Mastering the Art of Cyber Defense with Honeypots

  • Stay One Step Ahead: Automate, Detect, Deceive.
  • Transform Your Threat Landscape: Where Attackers Fall for Digital Traps.
  • Harnessing Deception: Smarter Cybersecurity, Safer Networks.

Fidelis – Deception

Adversaries want your data and assets. Fidelis Deception® makes them believe they’ve struck gold. But what they’ve really done is trapped themselves and alerted your cyber defenders.

Fortinet – FortiDeceptor

FortiDeceptor, part of Fortinet SecOps Platform, detects and responds to in-network attacks such as stolen credential usage, lateral movement, man-in-the-middle, and ransomware. Adding FortiDeceptor as part of your cybersecurity strategy helps shift your defenses from reactive to proactive with intrusion-based detection layered with contextual intelligence.