Data Security Fabric – Protection of Databases

Protect your databases with an advanced Data Security Fabric for comprehensive data protection.

Elevate Your Database Security with a Comprehensive Data Security Fabric Solution

The Power of a Data Security Fabric for Database Protection

  • Shielding Your Database Assets, One Layer at a Time.
  • Empowering Your Data's Defense with a Seamless Security Fabric.
  • Locking Down Your Databases with Precision and Proactive Protection.

Imperva – DSF

Protecting data from attacks and simplifying compliance with regulatory requirements, all of this is Imperva Data Security Fabric. 

Thales – Data Security

Thales helps organizations move past silos of encryption and crypto management solutions to attain central and uniform deployments of data protection solutions and prepare your organization for the next security challenge and new compliance requirements at the lowest TCO. Our advanced data discovery, data encryption, key management, network encryption, hardware security module and data protection on demand solutions enable customers to protect and remain in control of their data wherever it resides – across cloud, on-premises and hybrid IT environments. 

DataSunrise – Database Security

A granular control over active security of databases, detection of suspicious database user behavior and prevention of external and internal attacks in the cloud or on-prem.